RUNNER-UP Paapuuri


Sampo Ojala (FI), architect, Milja Leinonen (FI), student in architecture & Sara Lähdesmäki (FI), student in architecture

collaborators: Rebecca Maresia (FI), Anna-Juulia Alaruikka (FI) & Cláudia Antão (PT), students in architecture

Paapuuri envisions a sustainable neighbourhood, promoting a future-oriented lifestyle that cherishes the proximity of the forest and the sea. Our design showcases tall buildings inland, with housing descending towards the shore, providing equal sea views. Enchanting ecocampuses enhance biodiversity and offer tranquility for residents and wildlife. Along the shoreline, a dedicated road for light traffic attracts tourists and promotes eco-friendly mobility. Our apartment blocks and townhouses embody sustainable architecture. Furthermore, we propose a cable car network, offering a carbon-neutral transportation. Paapuuri exemplifies a holistic approach to sustainability, quality of life, and the integration of nature and humanity, setting an inspiring example for the future of urban living.

Board 1    Board 2    Board 3    Explanatory text

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