
Right from the critical reading of the main topics raised by Europan 14, our project aims to give a new identity to the project site, by transforming the uses of the passing-by E4 Route to a productive axis that crosses the area and re-establishing the relationship between the two city centers and the water by a network of walkways and paths that connects different parts of the area.This approach is able to combine a new waterfront, the existent heritage, the renovation of the industrial district and the presence of cultural actors. Looking at this miscellaneous context, our project launches a renewal process in which combining different strategies:Circular economy:Trough a process of recovery, transformation, re-arrangement and reuse, we propose a new self-sufficient city where tradition and technology co-exist.

Inhabitants participation in all steps is key for continuous adaptation to changing circumstances. Just as there is no waste in nature with all ‘waste products’ getting re-used in a virtually endless cycle, we can imagine an economy that is similarly cyclical.The reinterpretation of the E4 highway: Taking advantage of the constant flow of materials and goods, the aim is to transform this barrier into an opportunity for exchange. In one side of the road, a structure is raised on pillars to allow loading and unloading areas underneath. Apart from being an acoustic and visual protection, this structure is suitable to welcome different production-related programs (such as co-working, workshops, retail, offices, winter-gardens…)and allows both Tornio and Haparanda to expand and grow until the highway, creating new residential neighborhoods.On the other side, the hotel and parking line allow an attractive view over the reinvented waterfront, where different spaces and activities are proposed to welcome visitors and locals.Walkways:the relationship between the city centers and the water is re-established by a system of walkways which cross the site. This network connects the two districts of Tornio and Haparanda,the waterfront and the commercial area, in order to discourage the massive use of private vehicles in favor of an implemented public mobility system. Also,a new bicycle and pedestrian path cross the site and new parking areas for cars and bicycles are created. Conceived as a generator of different and vibrant sceneries, these walkable infrastructures transform the site in an ever changing machine for programs,exhibitions and events.

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