Aisla connects Laajasalo better to Helsinki-centrum and at the same time provides a frame for living in Laajasalo island. The design densifies citystructure near good connections, including the new tramline.
The proposed plan connects to old citystructure by existing roads and block-sizes.
One of the main ideas of the design is to bring sea closer to Laajasalo centrum. This happens with new vistas to the sea and canals (which also help with snow and rainwater management) and with improved crossing pathway for bicycles and pedestrian which connects different parts of Laajasalo to new marina center. The new marina center includes different activities which reflect from the site, such as different beachsports, local fishfood restaurants, city-spas and pavilion for communal gatherings. The new marina center is also part of the bigger shore route which goes around the whole Laajasalo.
New housing blocks next to marina center creates a new housing typology for the island. These buildings provide possibilities to live in small apartments next to the sea, which should mix up the type of inhabitants of the shore. This is also good place for elderly people to live in because all the services are nearby at the cityboulevard. Bastion type of blockstructure makes views to sea possible even from the buidings in the back and at the same time creates a sheltered inner yard.
Buildings along the boulevard are mainly between five and seven floors. The breathing citystructure and moderate number of stories makes higher building possible at the top points of the boulevard: gate buildings at both ends of the cityboulevard and at the commercial center. The main part of the ground floor level of all of the buildings is open to boulevard. These spaces are flexible and can be used for various functions in the future for Laajasalo people.
Tässä suunnitelmassa ei ole lainkaan välitetty siitä että paikalliset ja muut Laajasalon luonnonkauneutta ymmärtävät henkilöt arvostavat ja nauttivat Tengerströmin puiston upeasta luonnosta, sen kävelyreiteistä, pienvenesatamasta ja rauhallisesta, hyvinvointia edistävästä metsä kokemuksesta. Tämä suunnitelma pilaa täysin ainutlaatuisen ja luonnonkauniin elinympäristön, mikä Laajasalossa juuri vetoaa ihmisiin, ja tekee siitä niin upean.
Aivan ylimitoitettu, ympäristöönsä sopimaton rakennusmassa, joka pyyhkii altaan Tengströmin puiston alueineen ja tekee alueen yleisilmeestä todella tukkoisen.