Europan 18 Kick-off Event on the 6th of March

WELCOME TO THE EUROPAN 18 KICK-OFF EVENT on Thursday the 6th of March at Voimatalo (Malminkatu 16 A, 8th floor, Helsinki)

Preliminary program:

14:45  Coffee & Tea, cookies

15:15  Welcome by Europan Suomi! Pia Sjöroos, Chair of the Board, of Europan Finland;  City Planning Director of Kerava

15:20  Introduction of the  E18 competition Kirsti Rantanen, Secretary General of Europan Finland

15:30  Introduction of the Turku site & competition task Anri Linden, Head of Detailed Planning of the City of Turku

15:50  Introduction of the Lahti site & competition task Johanna Palomäki, City Architect of the City of Lahti

16:10  Introduction of the E18 themes N.N.. (to be confirmed)

16:40  Introduction to the Activities of the Building Information Foundation RTS Markku Hedman, Member of the Board, Director General at Building Information Foundation RTS

17:00 – 18:30 An opportunity to network, form competition teams, and discuss the competition task: Speed dating, mingling, and team formation. Enjoy some snacks and wine while connecting with potential teammates!

The event is free to attend, but to help us plan for refreshments (and secure your seat), please register by March 3rd at the latest at

(Photo: Rakennustieto Oy)